Color Club Ms Socialite

Još jedan Color Club iz Rebel Debutante kolekcije je ljubičasti krem lak, Ms Socialite. Ništa senzacionalno, ali nakon raznih glittera i duochromea, lijepo je odmoriti oči s ovako nečim.:) Na fotkama su dva sloja, bez nadlaka. Lak se i bez njega dosta brzo suši (nije da eksperimentiram, samo sam ostala bez Seche Vitea :D). Nanosi se relativno OK, ali mrvicu je pregust tako da ću vjerojatno dodati kap, dvije thinnera. Što je zanimljivo kod ove boje je kako se mijenja pod različitim vrstama svjetla - na trećoj fotki možete vidjeti kako izgleda u hladu, puno više vuče na plavo. Navodno mu je jako sličan OPI Pamplona purple, The Daily Varnish ima usporedne swatcheve.

Another polish from Color Club's Rebel Debutante collection is a red-based purple creme - Ms Socialite. Nothing sensational about this polish, but after all the glitters and duochromes, it's nice to rest your eyes on such a color. This is two coats, without TC (not that I'm experimenting, I just ran out of Seche Vite recently :D). It dries quite quick even without SV. It's a bit on the thicker side, I'll probably add a drop or two of thinner to it. What's interesting about this color is how it changes depending on the light - it's more red-based in the sun and almost plum inside and in the morning light. OPI Pamplona purple is supposed to be similar, you can check out the comparison on The Daily Varnish.

U hladu...
In the shade...

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