Polish Drop 50+ Followers Mini Giveaway


Mojih prvih 50 (-tak) sljedbenika i moj prvi, mini giveaway! Juhuuuu! <:-P
U paketiću će biti:
  • Alessandro # 259 (jedan od rijetkih flakieja dostupan na ovim prostorima)
  • China Glaze Channelesque – moj novi najdraži taupe lak
  • Essence Choose me (duplić Zoye Charla, OPI Catch me in your net i Orly Halley's comet)
  • Avon Nail frosting Pink (rozi glitter)
Svi lakići su novi i neisprobani. (*ova fotka nije baš realna, ali u nedostatku sunca, dobre lampe ili lightboxa, morale su poslužiti i kuhinjske lampice)

A sad pravila:
  1.  Morate biti sljedbenik (pratitelj, trabant – kako želite :D ) *ako imate privatni profil, napišite mi svoj Google Friend Connect nick.
  2. Napišite svoju e-mail adresu u komentar (preporučljivo u obliku koji ne prepoznaju spideri npr. me[at]gmail[dot]com ili slično).
  3. Please, sve stavite u jedan komentar.
Dodatne bodove možete dobiti ako dodate PolishDrop na svoju listu blogova (1+) i ako dodate ovaj giveaway na vaš blog (sidebar ili post) (1+). „Stari“ sljedbenici dobit će ekstra bod (1+).
Giveaway je otvoren svima i to do 24.11.. Sretno svima! :-h

My first mini giveaway for my first 50+ followers! Yaaay! <:-P
The package will contain the following:
  • Alessandro # 259 (one of the few flakies available in Croatia)
  • China Glaze Channelesque – my new favorite taupe
  • Essence Choose me (a  Zoya Charla/OPI Catch me in your net/Orly Halley's comet dupe)
  • Avon Nail frosting Pink (pink glitter)
All polishes are brand new and untried.
Onto the rules: 
  1. You must be a follower. If you follow privately, please mention your Google Friend Connect nick in your comment. 
  2. Leave your e-mail address in the comment (you can obfuscate your address to avoid spiders). 
  3. Please, put all your entries in one comment.
These count as one entry.
You can earn extra entries by adding Polishdrop to your blogroll (1+ entry), by blogging about the giveaway or adding it to your sidebar (1+ entry). My “old” followers get an extra entry.
This giveaway is open to international followers! It ends November 24th. Good luck, everyone! :-h

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