Opet sam pretjerala s fotkama, ali tako sam se razveselila kad sam u dnu ladice pronašla ovaj lakić da sam napravila nekih 100 fotki. :D Teške duše sam to srezala na samo šest. Raspberry truffle je čokoladno-smeđi krem lak sa sitnim rozim šljokicama. Njam, kad gledam ove fotke, odmah mi se jede nešto slatko! =P~. U bočici čak izgleda kao duochrome, šljokice se prelijevaju zlatno, ali na mojim noktima se to baš i ne vidi. Ovo su dva sloja, bez nadlaka.
Again, I post way too many pics, but I was so excited to find this beauty in the back of my drawer that I took almost a hundred shots. :D Cutting it down to only six was a hard task. Raspberry truffle is a chocolate-brown creme with small pink glitter particles. I crawe chocolate just by looking at these pics! =P~. In the bottle, it looks like a duochrome - the glitter shifts from pink to gold, but the duochrome isn't visible on my nails. These are two layers, without top coat.
Jesam li već spomenula koliko volim Nubar bočice? :) Predivne su mi i tako elegantne. Ne znam točno što riječ nubar znači ali zvuči egipatski a i bočica mi izgleda inspirirana Egiptom. Imali su i Cleopatra kolekciju u proljeće 2009.
Did I mention how much I love the Nubar bottle? It's so elegant. I don't know if the word nubar means anything, but it feels Egyptian to me and so does the bottle. In fact, they released an Egypt inspired collection last spring - Cleopatra.
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