Art de Lautrec 07B over Nubar Raspberry truffle

Art de Lautrec 07B je prvi lak koji sam zgrabila kad mi je stigao paketić s Alice & Jo's havesentials, ali imala sam malu nezgodu sa S-he nadlakom, točnije - nadlak mi je "rastopio" lak (gadan prizor koji definitivno nije bio za slikanje :). A budući da je isto smeđi, odlučila sam dodati jedan sloj preko Nubar Raspberry truffle. Što mislite? Čokoladno smeđa + holo, meni paše! ;)  Inače nisam neki obožavatelj kombiniranja više lakova (tzv. layeringa) jer obično izgleda ful debelo na noktima (baš kao i na ovim fotkama) i skidanje je noćna mora ali ipak dobro dođe kad vam dosadi lak a ne da vam se skidati ga. 07B se suši malo mat pa sam ovdje dodala sloj Catrice brzosušećeg nadlaka (OK, brzosušeći baš i nije ali bar je sjajan).

Art de Lautrec 07B was the first polish I tried from my Alice & Jo's havesentials haul, but I had a little accident caused by S-he Top coat - my polish sort of dissolved underneath the top coat (not a pretty sight :) ). Since I already had a brown polish on, I figured I'd slap a coat over Nubar Raspberry truffle. What do you think of the result? Chocolate brown holo - works for me! ;) I'm usually not a big fan of layering - it often looks like I have 6 coats on (like in these pics) and it's a nightmare to remove, but works well when you're bored with a polish and too lazy to remove it. 07B dries a bit matte so I added a coat of Catrice quick-dry top coat (not quick-drying at all btw., but at least it's glossy).

Malo mutnih fotki, da se bolje vidi bling ;)
Some out-of-focus photos, to show the bling ;)

Slatka bočica...
The cute bottle...

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