Orly Fantasea

Orly Fantasea... jedan od meni najdražih duochrome lakova - lila jelly sa shimmerom koji se prelijeva u roskasto-brončano. Ali, nažalost Fantasea ima jednu od gorih formula. Dosta je proziran pa je potrebno minimalno tri sloja što doprinosi njegovom sporom sušenju. Suši se bolno sporo.... bolje rečeno - ne suši se. I idući dan, čak i s obilnim slojem Sechea, ostaju otisci na površini nokta. Za swatchanje sam nanijela dodatni sloj laka, da popravim otiske plahti na noktima (ako se pitate zašto izgleda tako debelo). Bez obzira na to, za ovakvu ljepotu spremna sam trpiti i dvodnevno sušenje i nanošenje 4 sloja. ;)
Orly Fantasea is one of my favorite duochromes - a lilac jelly with pink to bronze shimmer. Unfortunately, Fantasea has one of the worst formulas. It's pretty sheer so it needs at least three coats. It dries painfully slow, or, to be completely honest - it doesn't! Even with a generous coat of Seche Vite and even the next day, if you press the surface with your fingernail, it will leave a deep dent in the polish. For swatching purposes, I applied an extra coat the next day, to cover the sheet marks. In spite of it all, for this beauty I can take the slow drying and the 4 coats. ;)

Na umjetnom svjetlu.
In artificial light.

Orly bočica, jedna od meni najdražih bočica. Prvo - ima gumeni čep što otvaranje čini super lakim, drugo - sadrži 18 ml (!) dragocjene tekućine. (edit: Sorry za teglice u pozadini, ali balkon mi je najbolje mjesto za fotkanje).
Orly bottle... one of my faves. First, it has a rubberized cap for easy opening and second, it contains 18 ml (!) of the precious fluid. (edit: Sorry for the pots in the background, but my balcony is the best place for taking pics).

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