OPI Let me entertain you

Moj prvi Burlesque swatch - OPI Let me entertain you!. Znam, znam - sigurno vam je već muka od ove kolekcije, ali što ću kad su moji lakići stigli tek sad. Kako da ga opišem... super-pigmentirani blještavi tamnorozi glass-fleck glitter. Finiš je apsolutno savršen ali nisam baš sigurna da mi se sviđa ova boja, tj. sve njene varijacije. U zatvorenom prostoru je predivna magenta, pod fluorescentnim svjetlom poljubičasti i izgleda kao da su nokti optočeni metalom ali na suncu je baš intenzivno rozi. Sve boje osim ove roze su mi mrak. Ipak, ova boja i finiš savršeni su za zimu - za razliku od, recimo, holografskih lakova koji su bez sunca isprani i bezveze, Let me entertain you izgleda fenomenalno navečer, pod umjetnim svjetlom, u oblačne dane, u magli... možda i u mraku! :D Da je samo malo više ljubičast a manje pink bio bi savršen! Što se tiče nanošenja, ono je lako - malo je rijedak pa treba stvarno dobro obrisati četkicu da ne iscuri u zanoktice i treba nanijeti 3 sloja (ali ja sam za fotkanje stavila 4). Na ovim fotkama izgleda nekako više crveno, nadam se da ću ga kod idućeg nošenja uspjeti poslikati na suncu i dobiti realniju boju. Samo jedna fotka ovaj put, sve su mi ispale isto.

My first Burlesque swatch is of OPI Let me entertain you!. I know, you're probably sick of this collection by now, but I received my two polishes just a few days ago. This finish is fabulous but I'm not quite sure I like the color in all it's variations. Inside, it looks like a beautiful magenta, under fluorescent lighting it looks almost purple and has this metallic quality but in the sun it's just, well - pink. Nonetheless, this color and finish seems perfect for winter. Unlike holographic polishes that look dull when there's no sun, Let me entertain you looks amazing in the evening, under artificial lighting, when it's cloudy, in the fog... maybe even in the dark! :D If only it was more purple and less pink... it would be perfect! Application wise, it's quite OK. It's a little thin so you need a small amount of polish on your brush to avoid flooding your cuticles. It does need 3 coats to avoid VNL (I did four) but it dries fast. In these swatches it looks more red than it is in reality. Hope I'll catch more sun next time I wear it so I can make some decent swatches.

I jedna dnevna fotka (sorry na tipwearu :) )
One I took in the daylight (sorry for the tipwear :) )

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