Barry M Dusky mauve

Konačno, evo i swatcheva Barry M Dusky mauvea. Ovaj lak navodno je duplić Chanel Paradoxala. Hmmm, što reći o ovom laku... formula je dobra, lijepo se nanosi, suši dosta brzo... i to je više-manje sve. Moram priznati da mi nije jasna poanta lakova sa suptilnim shimmerom u jesenskim kolekcijama. Ljubičasti shimmer u ovom laku vidljiv je isključivo na suncu, kojeg u jeseni inače baš nema puno (iako je kod nas ove godine kasna jesen iznimno sunčana i topla). Ostatak vremena (negdje 90%) izgleda kao smeđi krem lak koji tu i tamo malo vuče na ljubičasto. Mislim, lak je lijep ali meni osobno nije ništa ekstra. Što još reći osim - drago mi je da nisam kupila Chanel Paradoxal. ;)

Finally, the swatches of Barry M Dusky mauve. This is said to be a Chanel Paradoxal dupe. Hm, what can I say about this polish.... the formula is nice, it applies nicely, it dries fast enough... and that's pretty much it. I must admit I don't understand the point of releasing subtle shimmers in fall collections. The purple shimmer is visible only in direct sunlight, and there usually isn't much sunlight in fall (although this fall has been unusually sunny and warm here in Croatia). It looks like a brown creme polish with a hint of purple 90% of the time. It's still a nice polish, but nothing to make a fuss about. What else can I say other than - I'm glad I didn't buy Chanel Paradoxal. ;)

Na suncu:
In sunlight:


S nadlakom, u hladu.
With  TC, in shade.

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