Layering: Nfu Oh 56 over Zoya Charla

Ovo je jedan od layering eksperimenata koje moram ponoviti ljeti. Iako je umjetno svjetlo uništilo velik dio ljepote ove kombinacije a fotić se zbunio i nije znao izoštriti, nadam se da se bar dio nazire. Uživo, ova manikura izgleda kao more! :x Dva sloja Zoye Charla i sloj Nfu Oh 56 - od ove dvije divote jednostavno ne može ispasti ništa loše.
Here's one of the layering experiments I will have to redo in the summer. Although the artificial light managed to ruin most of it's beauty and my camera got confused and couldn't focus, I hope you can at least see a bit of it. In real life, this looks like I'm looking at the ocean! Love! :x Two coats of Zoya Charla and one of Nfu Oh 56 - it couldn't look bad if it tried.

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