Nail mail

Još novih lakića! :x (jasno je da je moj no-buy neslavno propao :D ). Transdesign se vratio, što baš nije dobro za moj novčanik ali je bolje od kupovanja po par lakova s Ebaya. OPI Let Me Entertain You!, China Glaze Frosty i OPI Show It And Glow It! (koliko uskličnika, zvuči kao da vičem).

More new polishes... :x (by now, it's pretty clear I had failed at my no-buy attempt miserably :D). Transdesign is back, which isn't so good for my wallet, but it's still better than Ebay. These are OPI Let Me Entertain You!, China Glaze Frosty and OPI Show It And Glow It! (with so many exclamation marks, it sounds like I'm yelling).

I šećer na kraju - Seche Vite. Znam, kvocala sam zbog skupljanja laka (tzv. shrinkagea) i gadnog mirisa ali, nakon što sam bila bez njega gotovo tri tjedna, ostavljena na milost i nemilost očajnim nadlacima iz DM-a, neizmjerno sam ga se oželila! Dobrodošao, najdraži Seche!>:D<

And last, but not the least - Seche Vite. I know, for the past few months I nagged about it's shrinkage and vile smell, but after I ran out of it, left at the mercy of awful topcoats found in local stores for almost three weeks, I started to miss it terribly! Welcome back, dear Seche! >:D<
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