Some more frankens

Otkrila sam da mi je frankening zapravo super prva pomoć kad sam na no-buyu! Svaki put kad me zasvrbe prstići i počnu mamiti razni swatchevi na netu, ja brzo smućkam nešto novo i to me malo primiri, bar na dan :D. Evo dva brzinska swatcha isto tako brzinski smućkanih frankena. Jedino me muči manjak bočica tako da obično nadrapa neki od mojih minića u koje je dovoljno mogu uliti malo nekog holo laka (kako sam maštovita... Nfu Oh 63 i ovaj put) i nekog u boji i promućkati i to je to. Ovaj put žrtvovani su Sephora Tectonic (lila-zelenkasti duochrome) i Merengue (roskasto-ljubičasto-bakrenasti iridescent/duochrome - mislim da nije pravi duochrome već rozo-ljubičasti lak s bakrenim shimmerom). Rezultat nije nešto spektakularno ali ipak mi se sviđa više od originala. Po dva su sloja svakog na fotkama. Sorry na tipwearu... :">
I found out that frankening is really helpful while I'm on a no-buy! Each time I get itchy fingers and become mesmerized by various swatches out there, I quickly mix up something new and forget about my new lemmings, at least for a day. Here are two quick swatches of two quickly mixed-up frankens. The only trouble is finding empty bottles for the frankens so usually some of my minis bite the dust - a half empty mini is great since I can just pour a few drops of some holo (how imaginative :) ), shake it a bit and voila! This time they were Sephora's minis - Tectonic (a lilac to green duochrome) and Merengue (pinkish-purple bronze iridescent/duochrome). The result isn't that spectacular but I like them better than the originals nonetheless. There are two coats of each in the pics. Sorry for the tipwear, btw... :">

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Nail mail!

Kako je divno na kraju dugog i napornog tjedna u sandučiću naći žuti papirić s pošte! :) Gledajući već 100-ti swatch MF Fantasy fire na jednom blogu, skoro sam došla u iskušenje da popustim evilbayerima, no u spas mi je došla divna Jai s bloga Jai Geeks Out i dogovorile smo brzinski swap. Osim Fantasy fire i Accessorize Pink Spice u paketiću su bili i Eyeko Coral polish (predivni koraljni, skoro neonski krem lakić) i Nubar Night sparkle prsten koji mi je napravila kad ga je vidjela na mojoj wishlisti!! Hvala ti punoooo, Jai! >:D<  Što još reći osim - nail blogerice su zakon!!  B-)
How I love to come home at the end of a long and grueling week and find the postman's notice in my mailbox! :) After seeing probably the 100th swatch of MF Fantasy fire, I almost gave in to the evilbayers but the wonderful Jai from Jai Geeks Out came to my rescue and we arranged a quick swap. But besides Fantasy fire and Accessorize Pin spice I've been lemming for ages, in the package I also found Eyeko Coral polish (a beautiful, almost neon coral creme) and also - a Nubar Night sparkle ring Jai made for me when she saw Night sparkle on my wishlist!! Thanks soooo much, Jai!! >:D< What else can I say except... nail bloggers rock!! B-)

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My second franken

OK, tehnički i nije mi tek drugi fraken već je drugi (od nekih 6, 7) koji nečem liči :D. Uglavnom, otkad sam na vidjela swatcheve Toxic Avengera frankenerice zvane Dollish Polish, znala sam da ga moram imati. No kako sam trenutno na no-buy režimu a i njezin shop je trenutno zatvoren, pokušala sam smućkati nešto slično. Rezultat nije ni blizu Toxic avengeru :D ali morat će poslužiti, bar na neko vrijeme. Franken je miks Orly Space cadeta i Nfu Oh 63. Na fotkama su dva sloja preko obične Essence baze i sa slojem INM Out the door brzosušećeg nadlaka. Sviđa mi se ovaj roskasti odsjaj ali možda bi trebalo više Space cadeta... ili dodati malo nekog plavog... nešto mu fali, presiv je. Prijedlozi za poboljšanje su dobrodošli :).
OK, technically it isn't my second franken but from the 6 or 7 I have done, it's the second that doesn't look like crap :D. Since I saw Dollish Polish's Toxic Avenger swatches at, I knew I had to have it. But since I'm on a no-buy at the moment and that her shop is closed, I tried to mix up something like it. The result isn't even close :D , but it will have to do for a while. The franken is a mix of Orly Space cadet and Nfu Oh 63, two layers over a regular base coat (Essence) and a layer of INM Out the door. I do love the pinkish reflection but it's just... too gray... maybe it needs more Space cadet, or some blue... Any improvement suggestions are welcome :).

U hladu.
In the shade.


Pod umjetnim svjetlom:
Under a lamp:

Mutnjikava fotka, da se bolje vidi holo.
Blurry to show more holo.
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