Some swatch spam

Moj prvi swatch spam post. :D Uglavnom su to ili a) lijepi lakići iz kojih su ispali loši swatchevi (svjetlo lampe i to) koje treba ponoviti na ljeto, b) lakovi (ili layering eksperimenti) koji me nisu dovoljno inspirirali da bi im posvetila cijeli post c) lakovi koji su mi jednostavno gadni i koji će postati franken materijal. Pa, krenimo...

My fist swatch spam post. :D The reasons for not posting these individually are various - these are either a) awful swatches of beautiful polishes (artificial light and my camera destroy many colors) that I'll hopefully redo in summer, b) polishes (or layering experiments) that don't inspire me enough to dedicate an entire post to them or c) polishes that are plain ugly and are about to become a frankening material. So....

Nubar Gem je neobičan. Nije ni linearni holo (poput npr. Nfu Oh 61, China Glaze DV8) a niti klasični disperzivni (poput OPI DS Extravagance ili Color Club Wild at heart). Baza je nešto a la frost/pearl prljavo-roze nude nijanse s holografskim šljokicama (ajme, kakav opis). Suši se mat pa je sloj nadlaka obavezan. Ovdje su dva sloja, ali tek sad na fotkama vidim da je trebao i treći. Lakić mi je lijep ali mi baš ne stoji. Mislim da bi tamnoputim curama stajao predivno. :)
Nubar Gem is an unusual holo. It's not linear (like Nfu Oh 61 or China Glaze DV8) and it isn't a dispersed holo either (like OPI DS Extravagance or Color Club Wild at heart). The base is a beige to dusty pink frost with holographic glitter particles (OMG, what a description). It dries matte so TC is a must. There are two layers in the photo but now I see it could have used a third too. I like the color and the effect but I don't like how it looks on me. I think it would look wonderful on darker skin. :)

Art de Lautrec 07b. Sličan finiš Nubar Gemu - kao da je preko sloja sedefastog laka nanesen sloj nekog holo nadlaka. Također se suši mat. Ovaj je lak prvi kandidat za frankening, boja mi je bljak, podsjeća me na ćufte! :D Ali s dodatkom malo ljubičastog moglo bi bit nešto od njega.
Art de Lautrec 07b. Similar in finish to Nubar Gem - it's like a layer of a holographic top coat applied over a pearl brown polish. This one dries matte too. And this definitely  fits the c) category - I hate the color, reminds me of meat balls! :D Maybe a few drops of purple would help...

L.A. Colors Fink Sizzle matiran
. Primijetila sam da od svih lakova najviše volim matirati duochrome lakove. Fink Sizzle je ciklamasto - narančasti duochrome i najljepši mi je u mat varijanti.
L.A. Colors Fink Sizzle mattified.  I noticed that I like mattifying duochromes the most. Fink Sizzle is a pink-orange duochrome that I like most when it's mattified.

L.A. Girl Groupie (Rockstar kolekcija). Definitivno kategorija a)! Totalno me frustrira što ne mogu uslikati ovog ljepotana. Možda pokušam još na ljeto ali ovo je jedna od onih ljubičastih koja uporno na fotkama ispada plavo a sav duochrome se izgubi. (za poštene swatcheve bacite pogled na ove i ove).
L.A. Girl Groupie (Rockstar collection). This one definitely falls into category a). It's so frustrating not to be able to capture such an amazing color. Maybe I'll try again when summer comes... This is one of those purples that my camera perceives as blue and kills all the duochrome in the process. (for some decent swatches, check out  these and these).

H&M Blue my mind
. Ime mu paše savršeno! :x Još jedan iz a) kategorije - boja je doduše dosta realna ali ruke mi na fotki izgledaju kao mrtvačke.  Jedan od mojih najljepših lakova - prefenomenalna, inenzivna, skoro neonska nijansa plave (cerulean možda?!). Tekstura je čudnjikava - nekako sluzava i gusta, ali sve se da sredit u dva sloja. E, da - ovo je lak kojeg me frendice najčešće žicaju :D i stalno me pitaju kad ću opet u Graz da im donesem koji.
H&M Blue my mind. It surely blue mine! :x Another one from the a) category - although the color is pretty close, my hands look corpse-like. This is one of the most amazing polishes I own - a fabulous, intensive, almost neon shade of blue (cerulean, maybe?!). The formula is a bit funny - a bit slimy and streaky but nothing a second coat wouldn't fix. Blue my mind is the polish my friends borrow the most. They're always asking if I'm going to Austria soon, and if I can help them get this beauty.

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