Barry M Cobalt blue

Cobalt blue je predivna prigušena tamnoplava. Formula je predivna - nanosi se ko' putar - skoro u jednom sloju i suši se brzo...! :x Posebno mi se sviđa kako predivno stoji i uz potamnjelu i uz blijedu kožu. Barry M se može naručiti s barrym.comAlice & Jo's havesentials za 3£ odnosno 4€, jedina im je mana što bočice sadrže samo 10 ml, ali opet i to je bolje od mnogih minijatura koje se prodaju u našim dućanima za puno veće novce.
Cobalt blue is a gorgeous muted royal blue creme. The formula is amazing, it applies like butter - almost in one coat and it dries fast...! :x I love how this color looks on my skin, whether it's summer tanned or winter pale like in these pics. Barry M is available at and  Alice & Jo's havesentials for 3£ / 4€. The only flaw I can think of is that the bottle contains only 10 ml, but that still beats a lot of miniatures that are sold in our local stores for much more.

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