2010 Favorites :) (pic heavy)

Uživam gledati top liste najljepših lakića za 2010. godinu na raznim blogovima pa pomislih - zašto ne napraviti i svoju :). Vjerojatno nisu svi lakovi iz 2010. godine ali ja sam ih nabavila i najviše nosila ove godine. Slijede meni najdraži lakići u 2010. godini, ne nužno redoslijedom pojavljivanja.
I enjoy reading "best of 2010" lists on other blogs so I figured - why not do one myself? :) These weren't all released in 2010. but I got them all (some were won, some were gifts) in 2010. Here are my 2010 favorites, in no particular order.

Zoya Charla

OPI DS Extravagance

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Pure Ice Purple Reign

Za mali odmor između božićnog i novogodišnjeg blinga, kao naručen je došao (doslovno, jučer sam ga našla pod otiračem :D i odmah se zaljubila) Pure Ice Purple reign - prljavoljubičasti krem lakić s narančastim/brončanim shimmerom. Bar mislim da je ovo još u zoni shimmera a presitno za glitter, ispravite me ako griješim. Mislim da nemam ništa slično ovom laku u svojoj kolekciji, a zapravo me najviše podsjeća na jedan šal iz Accessorizea - ljubičasti s tankim narančastim metalnim nitima.  Ovo je moj treći Pure Ice a patim za još jednim (Heartbreaker). Nanosi se lijepo, na fotkama su dva sloja. Četkica  je OK, nije široka ali je čvrsta (duge a mlohave četkice su mi najgore). Uživo i po danu je malo tamniji i više sivkast ali ovo su najbolje slike koje sam uspjela dobiti sa svjetlom lampe. Dođe mi da uzmem dan godišnjeg samo da ulovim malo sunca i uslikam ga u pravom svjetlu. :x
This polish arrived just in time for me to take a little break between the Christmas and New Year's bling. I found it under my doormat yesterday :D and fell in love immediately. Pure Ice Purple reign is a dusty purple creme with orange/bronze shimmer. At least I think this still qualifies as shimmer, looks too small to be glitter, correct me if I'm wrong.  I don't think I have anything like it in my collection. Actually, it reminds me of a scarf I saw in Accessorize - purple with bronze threads. Anyway, this is my third Pure Ice and I'm still lemming one (Heartbreaker).The application was nice - these are two coats. The brush is also good - it's not wide but it's firm (the ones with soft long bristles are the worst). It's a bit darker and more grayish IRL and in daylight but this is the best I could do in artificial light. This makes me want to take a day off just so I could catch some sun and photograph this beauty in all it's glory. :x

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Christmas mani: Jolly Holly & Party Hearty

Sretan Božić!
Merry Christmas!

Nadam se da ste imale lijep Božić, fino papale i uživale! Još ako ste imale i snijega... :)
Ah, toliko je lijepih božićnih Blogger predložaka a ja sam (zbog glupog Intense debate sistema za komentare) zaglavila s ovim, očito zauvijek. Jedini način da ovom blogu dam malo božićnog ugođaja je s malo svjetlucavog teksta i swatchevima božićne manikure. Naravno, glavni junak je Party Hearty. :D Nije neko iznenađenje da sam izabrala ovaj lakić ali ako za Božić neću nositi ovu šljokičavu bombu, kad ću? ;)

I hope you all had a wonderful and snowy Christmas! :)
I see so many beautiful Christmas Blogger templates but I'm stuck with this one, probably forever (because I made a mistake of installing the Intense debate commenting system). The only way to add some Christmas atmosphere to my blog is to add some sparkly text and some holiday swatches. Of course, China Glaze Party hearty is the star of the mani. :D It's hardly a surprise I chose this polish - if I won't wear this glitter bomb for Christmas, when will I? ;)

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Layering: China Glaze Frosty over white

Sorry na manjku postova ali u ovoj blagdanskoj ludnici jedva stignem nalakirati nokte. Nadam se da ste obavile božićni shopping na vrijeme i da sad niste u panici i kronično neispavane poput mene. I-) Današnji swatch i nije nešto božićni ali bijela mi boja baš paše zimi. Ovo je kombinacija kreč-bijelog New Age minića i China Glaze Frosty. Frosty mi je preproziran da bi se nosio sam - u tom slučaju treba mu barem 4 sloja, a ne škodi ni peti. Što se ovog bijelog minića tiče - prednost mu je što se maže u jednom sloju, ali mana to što smrdi grozno - točno kao lak za stolariju. Pomislila sam na sekundu da se i radi o uljanoj boji jer je i tekstura identična. Bljak! :-&  Bez obzira, volim kako ovo izgleda na rukama - totalno blještavo i sjajno! :x

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but in this holiday craze I barely find time to polish my nails. I hope you managed to do your Christmas shopping on time and that you aren't panicking and sleep-deprived as me I-). My current NOTD isn't that christmassy but I love wearing white in winter. This is a combination of a whiteout type of white by New Age and a layer of China Glaze Frosty. Frosty is too sheer for me to be worn alone, unless you want to apply at least four coats. As for the white mini I used for base - the good thing is it's a one-coater but the bad is - it smells like wood paint. :-& For a second I thought it was since the formula is almost identical. Yuck! Nonetheless, I like this combo - it's so flashy and shiny! :x

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OPI Merry Midnight

OK, sa mnom sigurno nešto nije u redu. Gledam ovaj lak - na prvi pogled ima sve što bih mogla poželjeti u laku: ljubičast je, ima brončane flakieje, sitni plavi i srebrni staklasti glitter i... ništa. Jednostavno mi kod njega nešto fali, ostavlja me totalno hladnom. I svaki put kad sam ga nosila, u nadi da ću ga zavoljeti, na kraju sam preko njega puknula sloj nekog nadlaka - Gosh Rainbow ili CND Crimson Sparkle, da ga malo oživim. Sav taj glitter i flakieji se u ovoj bazi nekako utope, ne dolaze do izražaja i kad ovako pogledam svoje ruke, izgleda mi kao da mi je netko prebio nokte. Inače mi na swatchevima na netu izgleda savršeno ali meni jednostavno ne stoji. Anyhow... na slikama su tri sloja i Seche Vite. Malo je rijedak, ali sve se da srediti s tri sloja. Izašao je prošle zime u Holiday Wishes kolekciji. Zijev... (:|

OK, there's definitely something wrong with me. I'm looking at this polish and at first glance it has everything I could want from a polish: it's purple, it has pinkish-bronze flakies and tiny silver and blue glitter and.... nothing. It just... lacks something, it leaves me totally uninterested. Every time I wore it, hoping I'd grow fond of it, I'd end up slapping a layer of something blingy to liven it up (Gosh Rainbow or CND Crimson sparkle). All that flakies and glitter somehow get lost in the base. When I look at my nails, they look bruised. I loved the swatches I saw online but it doesn't look good on me. Anyhow... this is 3 coats and Seche vite. It's a bit thin but nothing a 3rd coat wouldn't fix. It was released last winter in Holiday Wishes collection. Yawn... (:|

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Essence Hypnotic poison

Još jedna lijepa zimska nijansa - Essence Hypnotic poison. Prema izgledu bočice, učinilo mi se da je pearl/frost/sedefasti ali na sreću nije. Formula je neobična, malo me podsjeća na Barry M Dusky mauve - baza je bordo jelly s dodatkom rozog shimmera koji şvjetluca ispod. Ali za razliku od Dusky mauve, ovdje je shimmer puno vidljiviji. Moja iskustva s Colour&Go minićima su odlična - lijepo se nanose, potrebna su oko dva sloja i dosta se brzo suše, a s ovim lakićem je bilo slično.

Another pretty winter color is Essence Hypnotic poison. From the look at the bottle I thought this would be a pearl/frost finish, but luckily it wasn't. The formula is interesting, reminds me a bit of Barry M Dusky mauve's - the base is a burgundy creme/jelly with pink shimmer that sort of shines through the base color. Unlike Dusky mauve, Hypnotic poison's shimmer is more pronounced. I quite like Colour&Go minis - they apply nicely, you usually need two coats and they dry quite quickly and Hypnotic poison was no exception.

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OPI Smitten with mittens - take I.

Mislim da sam Smitten nosila već bar 10 puta ali nakon trećeg pokušaja (promašaja) fotkanja ipak sam odlučila staviti swatcheve kakvi god da jesu (sorry zbog izlizanih vrhova i mutnjikavih slika). Možda ću jednog dana ipak uspjeti uloviti čaroliju Smitten with mittens, ostaje mi nadati se idealnim svjetlosnim uvjetima i/ili SLR fotiću. Meni najdraži božićni lak i jedan od mojih najdražih lakova uopće, Smitten with mittens ima tamnocrvenu bazu krcatu sitnim staklastim zlatnim šljokicama! Često ga uspoređuju s China Glaze Ruby pumps, ali meni nisu toliko slični (nekome tko nije ovisnik o lakićima vjerojatno bi bili :D ). Smitten je, bar meni, puno kompleksniji i ljepši. Smitten je izašao lani kao dio Holiday Wishes kolekcije. Ako se mene pita, ovaj bi lakić trebao izlaziti svakog Božića. :x

I think I wore Smitten with mittens about 10 times, but after my third attempt (and fail) at swatching, I decided I should post some swatches, as bad as they are (sorry for the tip wear and blurry pics). I just hope I will succeed in capturing the magic of Smitten some day (in some perfect lighting or when I buy an SLR camera). This is my favorite Christmas polish and one of my top 20 polishes of all time. Smitten has a dark red base loaded with gold glass-fleck glitter. It's often compared to China Glaze Ruby pumps but I don't think they are too alike (someone who's not addicted to nail polish would probably think they are :D ). In my opinion, Smitten is much more beautiful and more complex. It was released last winter as part of the Holiday Wishes collection. If you ask me, OPI should release this every Christmas. :x

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New age No name

Još malo nubbinsa iliti čevapčića. :D New Age No Name bi zapravo bilo dobro ime za lak. Jedan od minića koji se mogu naći kod blagajne u Nami postao je jedan od mojih najdražih plavih lakića - gustoća taman, miris sasvim OK, četkica spretna, nanosi se divno, skoro pa u jednom sloju... Love. :x Tamnoplava baza i tirkizni shimmer/microglitter podsjećaju me na Orly Royal Navy, samo što je u Royal navy puno manje shimmera.
Some more nubbins. :D Actually, New Age No Name would make a nice polish name. One of the minis that can be found on our local drug store counter became one of my favorite blues. It's not too thick nor too thin, the brush is nice, the polish doesn't reek, it applies like butter - almost in one coat.... Love! :x The dark blue base and the turqoise shimmer/microglitter remind me a bit of Orly Royal Navy, but with more shimmer.

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Red nubbins & Essence Thirsty!

Nemam pojma ni kako se dogodilo... samo sam došla doma i vidjela da mi fali pola nokta na srednjaku. :D I tako sam ih morala sve izrašpati i sad izgledaju kao batrljci. Srećom, s ovim lakićem ne izgledaju tako strašno. Essence Thirsty! je predivan krvavo-crveni jelly iz Eclipse kolekcije. Moram priznati da mi nije baš jasno zašto Thirsty dolazi s uskličnikom a drugi lak iz iste kolekcije, Undead - s upitnikom. Možda je tipfeler jer imena Thirsty? i Undead! (ili Undead.) meni bi zvučala bolje i imala više smisla. Thirsty se nanosi kao san - lijepo je izgledao i sa samo jednim slojem, osim što se lagano nazire linija nokta (VNL). Na fotkama se vidi i s dva sloja, ali uživo ne. Anyway, iako nisam luda za Twilight sagom, jesam za vampirima a i za ovim lakom. :x :x
I don't even remember how it happened... I just came home and noticed half the nail on my middle finger was missing. :D I had to file them all down. Luckily, they don't look that bad with this polish. Essence Thirsty! is a gorgeous blood-red jelly from the Eclipse collection. I don't quite get why Thirsty! comes with an exclamation point and the other polish from the collection, Undead? - with a question mark. Shouldn't it be the other way around?! Anyhow, Thirsty! applies like a dream and if there wasn't a slight VNL, it could easy be a one-coater. VNL is visible in the two-coat pics too, but not in reality. Although I'm not nuts about the Twilight saga, I am about vampires and this polish: :x :x

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Giveaway winner :))

I pobjednik mog 50+ mini darivanja je....
And the winner of my 50+ followers mini giveaway is...

Vesna s Beautyaddicta! Čestitam, Vesna!!! I hvala svima što ste sudjelovali! >:D<
Vesna from www.beautyaddict.net! Congrats, Vesna!!! And thanks to everyone for participating! >:D<

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