Color Club Sugarplum fairy

OK, ovaj post neću započeti s još jednom isprikom zbog nedostatka postova, nema smisla, a dosađujem i vama i sebi. Jedino mogu obećati da ću pokušati postati kad god stignem. :) S jeseni stižu i swatchevi pod svjetlom lampe, koje nažalost obično oduzme puno od boje laka ali ovom glitteru to kao da nekako ne smeta. Fotke su malo spržene ali ipak dosta dobro dočaravaju svjetlucavost ovog lakića. Sugarplum fairy je lila holografski glitter u prozirnoj bazi - šljokice "u hladu" izgledaju srebrno-lila a na svjetlu počnu svjetlucati u svim bojama. Podsjeća me na miks Color Club Magic attraction i OPI Mad as a hattera. Tri sloja i jedan sloj nadlaka - ne bi škodio još koji ali trebalo bi ga dosta da bude onako glanc a lijep mi je lak i bez toga. Plus, htjela sam izbjeći mogući "katapult efekt" čest kod puno slojeva glittera i nadlaka - pojavu kad lak jednostavno odleti s nokta u jednom komadu (i obično završi u važnim dokumentima na poslu ili na stolu usred sastanka :"> ). Sugarplum Fairy dio je Color Clubove božićne kolekcije - Beyond the Mistletoe.
I won't start this post with yet another apology for the lack of posts - why bore you with excuses? All I can do is promise I'll try posting as often as I possibly can ;). With another fall, the dreaded artificial light swatches return. They usually take a lot from the real color of a polish or even make it unrecognizable, but this baby doesn't seem to have a problem with it. The swatches are a bit overexposed but the color and the effect is pretty accurate.  Sugarplum fairy is a silvery lilac holographic glitter suspended in a clear base - "in shade" the particles appear silver with a hint of lilac and in the light, the holographic particles come to life. It's somewhere in between Color Club Magic attraction and OPI Mad as a hatter. There are three layers in the pics and a layer of top coat. It would probably take 3 layers of tc to make it really smooth but I like it like this. Plus, I wanted to avoid the possible "catapulting effect" that sometimes occurs with glitter polishes and too many layers of tc (when the polish flies off the nail in one piece, usually ending up in important work documents or the conference table in the middle of a meeting :"> ). Sugarplum fairy was released as part of this year's holiday collection - Beyond the Mistletoe.

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