Paris haul

Hmm, ne znam... može li se ovo nazvati haulom?! :D Sorry na nedostatku postova ali dok mi se nokti oporavljaju od uništenja poliranjem (osim ako imate ultra-čvrste i zdrave nokte, svakako preporučujem da izbjegavate ovu aktivnost!), mogu jedino staviti fotkicu lakića koje sam uzela u Parizu. Mogu reći da sam ponosna na svoju samokontrolu - samo tri lakića sam uzela za sebe. Budući da sam već prvi dan našla Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter koji si želim od dana kada sam vidjela fenomenalne fotke na blogu od Jellynat, srce mi je bilo na mjestu i mogla sam u miru švrljati gradom bez da sumanuto tražim lakiće. Još jednom hvala Ruxi i Nathalie na savjetima!  Ako imate kakav savjet, kako oporaviti izlistane i tanke nokte, please podijelite! :-<
I'm not sure... does this qualify as a haul?! :D Sorry for the lack of posts recently but while my nails are recovering from a nail buffer caused destruction (unless you have super strong nails, I strongly recommend you avoid it!), the only thing I can post is a photo of the polishes I got in Paris. I can say I'm quite proud of my self control - I got only three polishes for myself. And since I found  Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter, my long-time lemming (started by this Jellynat's post) the very first day, I could relax and enjoy Paris without being in a lemming frenzy. A big thank you to Ruxi and Nathalie for their advice and guidance >:D<. If anyone has some advice on how to rescue split and thin nails, please share! :-<

Tu su H&M Blue my mind (za rezervu), Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter i Splendid gray (ovaj je poklon, ali lijepo mi se uklopio u fotku), H&M Hunt me down.
These are H&M Blue my mind (a backup bottle), Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter and Splendid gray (this one is a gift, but it goes with the others nicely), H&M Hunt me down.

Na ovoj fotki se malo bolje vidi ludilo od šljokica i flejkija u Tulipe glitteru. =P~
This pic shows the insane glitter and flakies in Tulipe glitter a bit better. =P~
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