I'm back! (pic heavy)

I'm back! :) Ali budući da su mi nokti u komi a ja u depri zbog povratka u surovu stvarnost, za sada - samo nekoliko fotkica Pariza... :x Već mi fali... :-<
I'm back! :) But, since my nails are a mess and I'm still depressed about the return to reality, just a few pics of Paris for now... :x I miss it already... :-<

Hôtel National des Invalides

Musée Rodin, Le Penseur
Rodin Museum, The Thinker

Place de la Bastille

La Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre



Bateaux Parisiens (vožnja Seinom, ne preporučujem gledanje videa osobama s osjetljivim centrom za ravnotežu :D)
Bateaux Parisiens (a ride on the Seine, warning: viewing this video can cause motion sickness :D.

Notre Dame de Paris

Hôtel de Ville

Centre Pompidou (Beaubourg) Art culture musée
Center Pompidou (Beaubourg) Modern art museum

Najljepša plava boja na svijetu :x (Yves Klein - L'arbre, grande éponge bleue)
The most beautiful blue ever :x (Yves Klein - L'arbre, grande éponge bleue)

Café au lait :)

Soupe d'oignons
Onion soup

Pont Notre Dame

Pont Alexandre III

La Sainte-Chapelle

La Défense

Arche de la Défense

Never recreate from your memory. Always imagine new places.... :) (quote from "Inception", one of the scenes was filmed here)
Pont de Bir-Hakeim

Pogled s Eiffela...
View from the Eiffel Tower...
Champ de Mars


Arc de Triomphe

Od Eiffela do Zagreba... :D Predaleko...
From Eiffel Tower to Zagreb...:D Too far...



Moulin Rouge

I još malo Eiffela...
More pics of the Eiffel...

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