Flormar 14

Za danas, jedna kraljevska manikura... Ha ha, šala mala :D. Još jedan zaboravljeni swatch je nastao nakon mog malog Bugarskog haula. I mene je bila obuzela pomama za Catherine Arley holo lakovima a ovaj je slatkiš, uz Flormar 21 kojeg sam već pofotkala, bio ekstra bonus. Flormar 14 (ah, glupih li imena) je predivan ljubičasti jelly krcat rozim šljokicama. I on me malo podsjeća na pekmez od šumskog voća :). Malo sliči i Zoyi Roxy samo ima više šljokica a manje veličine. Bočica je gotovo ista kao kod Bourjois 1 Seconde lakića samo što je čep bijeli a ne u boji laka kao kod Bourjois. Čini mi se da je na bočici bio vidljiv i sastav, no zaboravih to pofotkat. Kad uslikam dodat ću u post. Ovo su dva sloja + INM Out the door.

And for today... a royal manicure!!... Just kidding! :D Here's another forgotten swatch I made when I received my small Bulgarian order. Like many other nail polish addicts, I got caught in the Catherine Arley holo-mania too and Flormar 14 (along with 21 I swatched before) was a little something I picked along. Flormar 14 (Oh, how I hate names like these) is a gorgeous red based purple jelly full of pink glitter. Like blueberry + raspberry jam :). It reminds me a bit of Zoya Roxy, only with more smaller sized particles. The bottle looks like the Bourjois 1 Seconde bottle, only with a white cap. I'll update the post when I take a pic of the ingredients. There are two coats + INM Out the door in the pictures.

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China Glaze Groovy green

Za danas, evo jedne proljetne bojice koja je zaboravljena stajala u mojoj ladici :). Groovy green je pastelno-zeleni lakić teksturom negdje između krem i jellyja. Zbog takve teksture, trebaju mu tri sloja za potpuno pokrivanje ali uz brzosušeći nadlak sve je prošlo brzo i bezbolno. Za boju bih rekla da je boja kadulje, ne vuče nimalo na plavo što meni i paše jer mi od tirkiznih nijansi ruke izgledaju ful crveno.
For today I chose a spring green I found forgotten somewhere in the back of my drawer:). Groovy green is a pastel green with a combination of jelly and creme finish. Because of the jelly component, it needed three coats for full coverage but with a quick drying top coat, you won't even notice. That's also what makes it look soft, not a bit chalky or stark. I'd call this color a light sage. It doesn't have a trace of blue in it which I like. Light blueish greens tend to make my hands look red.

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Easter NOTD: Orly Oh Cabana Boy mattified

Iako su mi nokti u banani, ipak da stavim jedan anti-kišni swatch. Pokušajte zanemariti ćevapčiće i činjenicu da mi fali pola nokta na prstenjaku :">. Pokušaj da napravim nešto nalik Zoyi Lolly iz Mod Mattes kolekcije je očigledan :D. Orly Oh cabana boy sam ulovila na rasprodaji u Orly dućančiću u Maksimirskoj a nakon tri sloja matiran je Essence Matt nadlakom. Iako na fotkama više izgleda kao Barbie-pink, stvarno je neonska nijansa. Nije baš toliko kričav kao recimo China Glaze Pool party ali dovoljno. Inače sam Orly je srednje rozi shimmer (graniči s frostom) s plavkastim shimmerom. Znam da ovo uopće ne liči na mene ali kad vidim neone jednostavno poblesavim, podsjećaju me na djetinjstvo valjda i baš ih guštam nosit. :O)
Although my nails are a mess, I'll just upload one summer-evoking swatch, since it's raining again. Please try to ignore the nubbins and the fact that my ring finger is missing half a nail. :"> The attempt of creating something similar to Zoya Lilly from the Mod mattes collection is pretty obvious :D. I found Orly Oh cabana boy at a sale, there are three coats here mattified with Essence Matt tc. Although it does look a bit Barbie-pink in the pics, it really is a neon. Not as bright as China Glaze Pool party but bright enough. On it's own, Oh cabana boy is a medium-pink shimmer (bordering on frost) with blueish shimmer. I know this is so not me but I can't help it, I just go nuts when I see a neon. They remind me of childhood or something and I enjoy wearing them. :O)

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Paris haul

Hmm, ne znam... može li se ovo nazvati haulom?! :D Sorry na nedostatku postova ali dok mi se nokti oporavljaju od uništenja poliranjem (osim ako imate ultra-čvrste i zdrave nokte, svakako preporučujem da izbjegavate ovu aktivnost!), mogu jedino staviti fotkicu lakića koje sam uzela u Parizu. Mogu reći da sam ponosna na svoju samokontrolu - samo tri lakića sam uzela za sebe. Budući da sam već prvi dan našla Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter koji si želim od dana kada sam vidjela fenomenalne fotke na blogu od Jellynat, srce mi je bilo na mjestu i mogla sam u miru švrljati gradom bez da sumanuto tražim lakiće. Još jednom hvala Ruxi i Nathalie na savjetima!  Ako imate kakav savjet, kako oporaviti izlistane i tanke nokte, please podijelite! :-<
I'm not sure... does this qualify as a haul?! :D Sorry for the lack of posts recently but while my nails are recovering from a nail buffer caused destruction (unless you have super strong nails, I strongly recommend you avoid it!), the only thing I can post is a photo of the polishes I got in Paris. I can say I'm quite proud of my self control - I got only three polishes for myself. And since I found  Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter, my long-time lemming (started by this Jellynat's post) the very first day, I could relax and enjoy Paris without being in a lemming frenzy. A big thank you to Ruxi and Nathalie for their advice and guidance >:D<. If anyone has some advice on how to rescue split and thin nails, please share! :-<

Tu su H&M Blue my mind (za rezervu), Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter i Splendid gray (ovaj je poklon, ali lijepo mi se uklopio u fotku), H&M Hunt me down.
These are H&M Blue my mind (a backup bottle), Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter and Splendid gray (this one is a gift, but it goes with the others nicely), H&M Hunt me down.

Na ovoj fotki se malo bolje vidi ludilo od šljokica i flejkija u Tulipe glitteru. =P~
This pic shows the insane glitter and flakies in Tulipe glitter a bit better. =P~
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I'm back! (pic heavy)

I'm back! :) Ali budući da su mi nokti u komi a ja u depri zbog povratka u surovu stvarnost, za sada - samo nekoliko fotkica Pariza... :x Već mi fali... :-<
I'm back! :) But, since my nails are a mess and I'm still depressed about the return to reality, just a few pics of Paris for now... :x I miss it already... :-<

Hôtel National des Invalides

Musée Rodin, Le Penseur
Rodin Museum, The Thinker

Place de la Bastille

La Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre

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And Manhattan 610K's next destination is...

Poljska!! :) Prijavilo vas se šest a random.org je izabrao broj 1 - Kamilu. Čestitam, Kamila! <:-P   Već mi je poslala adresu i Manhattan će na put sutra...
Poland!! :) There were six entries and random.org chose entry no 1 - Kamila. Congrats Kamila! <:-P  She already sent me her address so Manhattan will continue it's journey tomorrow...

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