Kelier Purple crackle

Konačno i drugi crackle lakić koji mi je poslala Jessica s - ljubičasti crackle (ne bi se baš reklo po fotkama :) ). Ne zamjerite neuredno nanošenje, žurilo mi se a još nemam kista za precizne popravke. Kao i s plavim crackle lakom, upute su iste - nanijeti bazni lak (ja na prvoj fotki imam kreč-bijeli minić iz Name a na drugoj CND Silver Chrome), ne nanositi nikakav nadlak, nanijeti tanki do srednji sloj crackle laka, gledati kako pucketa :D i kad završi, nanijeti nadlak. Nadlak je obavezan jer će se u protivnom crackle oljuštiti s nokta ali ne preporučujem brzosušeće jer mogu skupiti pukotine. Ja se još nisam baš ispraksirala u nanošenju jer mi nekako na svakom noktu ispadne drugi efekt zbog različite debljine sloja. Jedini minus ovih lakića mi je što se dosta teško skidaju, kao glitter, pa možda metoda skidanja folijom ne bi bila naodmet. Kelier crackle lakići mogu se naručiti s, obični shipping je besplatan a možete iskoristiti i kupon za popust od 10% do 31.3. - PDBK31 (ukucati na checkoutu).
Finally, the second crackle polish from Jessica from - purple crackle (you wouldn't say it by looking at the pics but it actually is purple :) ). Forgive the messy application, I was in a hurry and I haven't mastered any cleanup techniques yet). Like with the blue cracke, the instructions are the same: apply the base color (I used white on the first pic and silver (CND Silver chrome) on the second pic), do not apply top coat at this moment, apply a thin to medium layer of crackle, watch it crack :D and when the cracking is done, apply top coat. TC is a must since the crackle will chip off the nail without it, but I don't recommend fast-drying top coats because they can shrink the cracks back. I still haven't got the hang of applying crackle, somehow the effect is different on every nail. The only downside I could find is these are rather hard to remove, like glitter, so the foil removal method would probably be the best. Kelier crackle polishes are availabel at, the shipping is free and you can use the 10% off coupon PDBK31 until 31.3. (enter at checkout).

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