Cherryculture haul and nubbins again

Konačno mi je stigao paketić s Cherryculture s dugo priželjkivanim Milani glitterima i isti dan mi pukne nokat na kažiprstu. :( Nadam se da ću ponoviti ove swatcheve s normalnom duljinom, ali evo par ćevapčić-svočeva za prvu ruku. 

The day the package from Cherryculture with my Milani glitters finally arrived, the nail on my index broke. :( Hope I'll redo these when  I reach normal length again. In the mean time, here are some nubbin-swatches.

NYX Lime sparkle, Milani Purple gleam, Photo flash, Silver dazzle i Blue flash.
NYX Lime sparkle, Milani Purple gleam, Photo flash, Silver dazzle and Blue flash.

Milani Blue Flash je prava ljetna plava i stvarno se nanosi skoro u jednom sloju. Ja sam ipak stavila još jedan budući da se na fotkama obično pokažu praznine koje se ne vide uživo. Meni ovaj lakić lijepo izgleda i bez nadlaka ali na dodir je hrapav pa sam ga ipak dodala tri sloja INM Out the door nadlaka. Sechea bi vjerojatno bilo dosta dva sloja jer je gušći.
Milani Blue flash is a summer blue shade that's almost a one-coater. I applied a second coat because pictures usually tend to show gaps that aren't really noticable in real life. I like the look of this polish even without a top coat but I added 3 layers of INM Out the door top coat since it felt a little too scratchy. Guess you could get away with two layers of Seche because it's much thicker.

Milani Silver dazzle je miks crnog i srebrnog glittera koji daje tamnosivu boju i meni najdraži od svih. :x Mrak!
Milani Silver dazzle is a mix of black and silver glitter which gives this gunmetal or charcoal gray color. :x This is my favorite of the bunch. :x Awesome!

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