Layering: China Glaze Nova over CND Silver chrome

Čini se da je jedini način da napravim koji dobar swatch da počnem nosit fotić na posao i tamo fotkat kad grane mrvicu sunca :D. A možda i bolje da ne fotkam ovih dana jer je sezona šipka, mog najdražeg voća, u punom jeku - dakle, zanoktice su mi u komi :"> i definitivno nisu za slikanje. Pa evo jednog swatcha od prošle zime... Za China Glaze Novom sam poblesavila kad sam vidjela swatch na Ne znam je li dan kad sam ga fotkala bio premaglovit ili što ali na meni nije bio ni približno svjetlucav. Ali svejedno je predivan glitter - kao male holografske disko-kugle na noktima. Na mojim fotkama su dva sloja preko srebrnog foil laka i sloj brzosušećeg INM nadlaka. Kao većina glittera, i Nova se brzo suši i pije nadlak. Kad bolje pogledam svoju kolekcijicu, imam dosta glittera sličnog tipa - Essence Hello Holo, Color Club Sugarplum fairy, Color Club Magic Attraction... ali holo-glittera nikad dosta!

It seems the only way for me to make a decent swatch lately is to start carrying my camera to work and trying to catch some sun :D. But, maybe it's better I don't, since it's pomegranate season and my cuticles look horrible :"> , definitely not something I would take pictures of. So, here's an old swatch I forgot to post... When I saw the swatch at, I went nuts for China Glaze Nova and ordered it immediately. I don't quite remember if the day when these pics were taken was cloudy or foggy, but my Nova wasn't anywhere near as sparkly. It is a gorgeous glitter nonetheless - it's like little holographic disco balls on your nails. There are two coats over a silver foil and a coat of INM Out the door top coat in the pics. Like most glitters, Nova dries fast and drinks top coat. I actually have a few similar glitters in my stash - Essence Hello Holo, Color Club Sugarplum fairy, Color Club Magic Attraction... but I'll probably never get enough of holo-glitter!

Jedna mutna da se vidi holo duga... :x
And a blurry one to show the holo rainbow... :x
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