Catrice Heavy metallilac

Nisam dugo fotkala neki "domaći" lak pa da nadoknadim propušteno, evo jednog Catricea. Ovo je drugi koji sam uzela od njihove promjene asortimana i uvođenja nove četkice (prvi je bio Put lavender on agenda), i mislim da sad mogu sa sigurnošću reći da mi nikako ne paše ova nova četkica - za moje male nokte definitivno je prevelika i pregusta. U kombinaciji s uskim grlom bočice, dosta gustim lakom i šeprtljavom korisnicom, rezultat je bio popriličan nered - i na noktima i na bočici :D. Većinu nereda sam uspjela počistiti kistom i acetonom, no isušila sam si zanoktice. Iz istog razloga je i ulje na fotkama. Anyhow, finiš je nešto između chrome/foil i frosta sa skoro pa duochrome efektom - izgleda kao da je baza više plavkasto-ljubičasta ali sadrži i sitni roskasti shimmer (vidi se ako pogledate bočicu) koji je vidljiviji po sredini nokta dok na rubovima prevladava plavkasti ton. Sve u svemu, lijepa bojica ali nanošenje mi je bilo mučno. Drugi put definitivno dodajem malo thinnera, možda spasi stvar. Na fotkama su dva sloja i nadlak. Kako biste vi nazvale ovaj finiš? Metalik, foil, sedefasti ili nešto treće?
It's been a while since I swatched some of the polishes available in our local drugstores. This is the second Catrice I tried since their recent assortment (and brush) change (the first was Put lavender on agenda) and I think I can safely say this new brush doesn't work for me at all - it's too thick and big. My nails are pretty small so painting my nails was a challenge. The thick brush, combined with a small bottle neck, thick polish and clumsy me, resulted in a complete mess - on the nails and on the bottle :D. I managed to clean up most of it with some acetone and a brush but I dried my cuticles in the process, hence the oil in the pictures. Anyhow, I'm having trouble categorizing this finish - it's between chrome, foil and a frost with an almost duochrome effect. It's like the base is a cooler purple but it also has this fine pink shimmer. All in all, I loved the color but the application was a mess. I'll definitely be adding some thinner to it next time. There are two coats in the pics, plus a tc. What would you call this finish? Chrome, foil, frost or something else?

Na suncu...
In the sun...

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