Some more frankens

Otkrila sam da mi je frankening zapravo super prva pomoć kad sam na no-buyu! Svaki put kad me zasvrbe prstići i počnu mamiti razni swatchevi na netu, ja brzo smućkam nešto novo i to me malo primiri, bar na dan :D. Evo dva brzinska swatcha isto tako brzinski smućkanih frankena. Jedino me muči manjak bočica tako da obično nadrapa neki od mojih minića u koje je dovoljno mogu uliti malo nekog holo laka (kako sam maštovita... Nfu Oh 63 i ovaj put) i nekog u boji i promućkati i to je to. Ovaj put žrtvovani su Sephora Tectonic (lila-zelenkasti duochrome) i Merengue (roskasto-ljubičasto-bakrenasti iridescent/duochrome - mislim da nije pravi duochrome već rozo-ljubičasti lak s bakrenim shimmerom). Rezultat nije nešto spektakularno ali ipak mi se sviđa više od originala. Po dva su sloja svakog na fotkama. Sorry na tipwearu... :">
I found out that frankening is really helpful while I'm on a no-buy! Each time I get itchy fingers and become mesmerized by various swatches out there, I quickly mix up something new and forget about my new lemmings, at least for a day. Here are two quick swatches of two quickly mixed-up frankens. The only trouble is finding empty bottles for the frankens so usually some of my minis bite the dust - a half empty mini is great since I can just pour a few drops of some holo (how imaginative :) ), shake it a bit and voila! This time they were Sephora's minis - Tectonic (a lilac to green duochrome) and Merengue (pinkish-purple bronze iridescent/duochrome). The result isn't that spectacular but I like them better than the originals nonetheless. There are two coats of each in the pics. Sorry for the tipwear, btw... :">

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