My first franken

Nisu mi baš neki swatchevi ali uzbuđena sam zbog svog prvog frankena pa ih ipak stavljam.:D Moj mali no-name franken je miks New age mini plavog lakića s pulta u Nami i Nfu Oh 63. Već mjesecima slinim nad genijalnim frankenima na More Nail Polish ali još uvijek nisam uspjela naći Spectraflair pigment, pa pomislih - zašto ne skemijati nešto s holo lakićima koje već imam. Bočica je sama po sebi mala - 4.5 mL i bila je 80% puna tako da pretpostavljam da je recept miksa otprilike 3,5 ml plavog lakića i 1 mL Nfu Oh-a. Nisam stavila više iz jednostavnog razloga - bočica je već bila puna. A možda bi i previše posvijetlila boju. Mislim da je za bazu bitno da je ili jelly ili sličan prozirnkast lak. Pretpostavljam da ne bi dobro ispalo s krem lakom. U svakom slučaju, zadovoljna sam s prvim frankenićem i sigurno ću smućkati još koji uskoro. :x
I've had better swatches but I'm so excited about my first franken I'm posting these anyway :D. My little unnamed franken is a mix of the New age mini no-name and Nfu Oh 63. I've been drooling over the fabulous frankens over at More Nail Polish for months but I still haven't been able to get some of that Spectraflair pigment, so I thought - why not try to franken something with the holos I already have. The base polish bottle is pretty small - only 4.5 mL so I guess I used around 3,5 mL of the blue and 1 mL of Nfu Oh 63.  I think it works best if the base is a jelly or a similar formula. I don't think it would work with a creme base. Anyhow, I'm happy with how it turned out and I'll surely be mixing some more soon :x.

Nije bilo baš sunca ali holo se vidi na drugoj fotki.
There wasn't much sun but you can see the holo on the nail wheel pic.

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Kleancolor Holo Chrome

Evo i prvog Kleancolor lakića... Holo Chrome! Jednostavno... mrak! :x Lila-plavi jelly pun holografskih čestica koje svjetlucaju u tisuću boja. Na mnogim swatchevima, a i u bočici, ovaj lak izgleda više ljubičasto ali na noktima bih rekla da je ipak plav. Nijansa je negdje boje različka i jako me podsjeća na OPI ds Glamour, samo je svjetliji i bez linearnog holo finiša. Na fotkama su dva sloja laka i sloj brzosušećeg nadlaka (koji je obavezan i zbog relativno sporog sušenja i zbog prikrivanja gadnog mirisa). Očekivala sam i puno duže sušenje ali eto - legla sam navečer s dva sloja laka i brzosušećim nadlakom i nokti su ujutro bili OK. Već sam spomenula koliko Kleancolori smrde pa ako imate izrazito osjetljiv nos možda ovi lakići nisu za vas. Ali ako ste spremni pretrpiti malo gadnog smrada koji mogu usporediti jedino s ljepilom za cipele, za 1.75$ mislim da se stvarno isplati. S druge strane, ovakav lak bi mogao biti od pomoći ako se pokušavate odviknuti od griženja noktića :-SS, nema šanse da uopće i pokušate!  Stranicu s koje sam naručivala ne bih tu spominjala - istina, moji su lakići stigli čitavi no neke blogerice su imale problema s curenjem.
And here's my first Kleancolor swatch... Holo Chrome! It's just... amazing! :x A purplish blue jelly chock full of holographic glitter particles that sparkle like crazy. In many of the swatches I've seen and in the bottle it looks more purple but on the nails the blue prevails. I'd call this a cornflower blue and it reminds me a lot of OPI DS Glamour, just lighter and with a different holo formula. There are two coats and a coat of fast-drying top coat in the pic (the tc is a must because of the slow drying and to help cover the smell). I actually expected the drying to take much longer but I applied it before bed at night with tc and the nails were fine in the morning - no sheet marks or anything. I already mentioned the terrible smell of these polishes so if you are too sensitive, I wouldn't recommend ordering these. If by any chance, you are prepared to suffer the awfulness of what I could only compare to shoe glue, for 1.75$ I think it may be worth it. On the up side, these polishes could be of help to those trying to quit nail biting :-SS. I would mention the website I ordered these from - my polishes arrived well packed and fine, but since some of the bloggers have had trougle with leakage, I don't feel comfortable recommending it.

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