Nubar Indigo Illusion (pic heavy)

Jesam li već spomenula koliko obožavam Nubar lakove? :D Formulu, bočicu, pregenijalne boje... Baš svaki put se oduševim. :x. Očekivala sam tipičnu duochrome formulu - 100 slojeva, sušenje satima (kao s npr. Orly Fantasea), frosty sedefasti finiš, a dobila potpuno suprotno - prekrivanje skoro pa u jednom sloju, brzo sušenje i fenomenalnu boju (njih nekoliko, zapravo). Indigo illusion je neobične prljavo-plave boje koja se prelijeva konstantno u lila a u zeleno pod nekim kutevima i na toplijem svjetlu. Zeleni ton baš se i ne vidi na mojim pljosnatim noktima (Scrangie je super uspjela uloviti tri boje odjednom). Naručila sam ga tek nedavno iako mi je bio na wishlisti već dvije godine (s nekoliko prekida) jer sam zaključila da mi duochrome lakovi najčešće ne stoje - nekako mi čudno nokti izgledaju s njima, ali mislim da je to više s tamnim lakovima tako da njih, kako god mi fenomenalno izgledali, više ne kupujem. I ovdje mi nokti izgledaju nekako lopatasto ali mislim da je to zbog čudne dužine, slično kao što mi se kosa kad naraste do ramena izvrće prema van :D. Tu su dva tanka sloja i sloj INM Out the door nadlaka. OK, dosta blebetanja, slijede fotke....
Did I mention how much I adore Nubar? :D Everything - the formula, the bottle, the gorgeous colors... They just surprise me every time :x. When I ordered this one, I was expecting the usual duochrome formula - 100 layers, painfully slow drying time (*cough* Orly Fantasea *cough*),  a streaky frosty finish... but what I got was quite the opposite - almost a one-coater, fast drying and a gorgeous color (colors, actually)! Indigo Illusion is an amazing dusty blue to lilac duochrome that shifts to green in certain angles and lights. The green isn't really visible in my pics cause my nails are a bit flat (Scrangie managed to capture all three colors at once). Indigo Illusion was on and off my wishlist for two years but I just recently ordered it. The reason was my love and hate relationships with duochromes - they usually make my nails look weird, but recently I realized it was mostly with dark duochromes so I finally decided to get this beauty. There are two thin coats in these pics plus a layer of INM Out the door. OK, enough with the babble, here are the pics...

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