piCture pOlish blog fest: Shamrock

Prvi post nakon ravno dva mjeseca :">...  Još prije mjesec, dva dobila sam poziv od cura s www.picturepolish.com.au da se pridružim njihovom Blog Festu <:-P - cilj je bio prikupiti swatcheve svih piCture pOlish lakića šaljući bočice blogericama diljem svijeta! Naravno da nisam mogla odoliti :D. Nadala sam se da će mi nokti biti u boljem stanju kad lakić stigne, ali naravno, kako to obično biva - onaj na prstenjaku lijeve ruke morao je puknut tjedan prije, otuda smiješni swatchevi tri prsta desne ruke.  Nijansa koja je stigla u moj sandučić zove se Shamrock, predivan tamnozeleni lakić jelly/krem formule. Sad konačno imam lak za Dan Sv Patrika (čini mi se da imam i jednu pločicu s djetelinom koja bi savršeno išla uz njega) a bit će divan i za jesen, iako OK stoji i sad, uz lagano potamnjelu kožu.
Na fotkama su dva sloja i sloj INM Out the door nadlaka. Tekstura je dobra, lakić se dosta brzo suši a posebno mi se sviđa bočica - dok sam imala svega 20-tak lakića oblik bočice nije mi bio nikakav faktor ali s prelaskom 100-tke, svaka plosnata bočica je dobrodošla ;). Dodatni plus je i gumenasti čep tako da se otvara u milisekundi. A i porukice drugačije za svaki lak su mi slatke - Shamrock dolazi s "you could be so lucky!" dok npr. uz drugi lakić, Jealousy stoji: "glittering green with envy" a na Vampire "bite me!" :D ... Jedino što mi se nije svidjelo na lakiću je četkica - vlakna su duga i premekana pa je nanošenje bilo popriličan izazov.
piCture pOlish šalje i u Hrvatsku a drže i Ozotic Pro lakiće (=P~) - meni je jedan već na putu...

First post after two months.... :">... A month or two ago, I received an email from the girls at www.picturepolish.com.au, inviting me to join their Blog Fest <:-P - the goal was to swatch every piCture pOlish shade by sending polish bottles to bloggers around the world! Of course, I had to participate :D. I was hoping my nails would be in better shape once my shade arrives but, of course, as it usually happens... the nail on my left ring finger had to break last week, hence the ridiculous right hand three-finger swatches. The shade that arrived in my mailbox is Shamrock, a gorgeous dark green jelly/creme. Now I finally have a polish to wear on St Patrick's day (I think I have an image plate with a clover, it would go great with it). It will also make a great fall shade, although it looks OK with my slightly tanned skin too. There are two coats and a coat of INM Out the door in the pics. The formula is nice, it dries fast enough and I just love the bottle. When I had no more than 20 polishes, I couldn't care less about the shape of the bottle but after a 100, every flat  bottle is highly welcome ;). Another plus is a rubberized cap which makes opening a breeze. And I love the little notes, different for every shade - Shamrock comes with "you could be so lucky!", another green shade - Jealousy comes with "glittering green with envy" and dark red Vampire with "bite me!" :D. The only thing about it that I didn't like was the brush - it's long and soft bristles made the application a challenge.
piCture pOlish ship worldwide and they also sell Ozotic Pro polishes (=P~) - I've got one on the way already...

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